April Shower Rain Sticks

We have just the right craft to get your little ones in the spirit of the spring season. Celebrate the arrival of warm weather by doing this exciting indoor craft of making April shower rain sticks. In some cultures, rain sticks were said to help bring on the rain. Don’t you want to see those beautiful May flowers next month? Here’s what you’ll need to make your exciting indoor craft:
Paper towel rolls
Paint brushes
Wax paper
Tissue paper
Rubber band
Step 1
Gather materials first.
Step 2
Paint and decorate the paper towel rolls as you desire.
Step 3
Once the paint is dry, cover one end of the roll with wax paper and use glue to secure it to the paper towel roll and add a rubber band around the wax paper to secure it.
Step 4
Take a cup and scoop out ⅓ of uncooked rice as desired and carefully pour it into the open side of the tube.
Step 5
Cover up the open side with wax paper and secure with glue and a rubber band – now both ends of the tube should be covered.
Step 6
Use tissue paper and string/yarn to decorate the wax paper on the ends of the tubes. Now you have your own rain sticks!