Get Your Lunch In Shape

What You Need to Pack a Rectangle Lunch

  • A rectangular lunch box
  • Rectangular food
  • Rectangular Juicy Juice® box (4.23 oz or 6.75 oz)
  • Note card or piece of paper
  • Marker or pen

How To Do It

  • Make a sandwich for your child’s lunch. Cut in half and trim the crusts. You now have two rectangles.
  • Include rectangular-shaped crackers.
  • Cut a slice of cheese in half to form two rectangles.
  • Include graham crackers (they’re rectangular).
  • Include a note card or piece of paper and a marker or pen in the lunch and ask your child to write down which shape you packed that day.
  • Include your child’s favorite flavor of Juicy Juice in its rectangular juice box.

Follow-Up Fun

  • Pack a regular lunch with a variety of shapes and ask your child to write down as many shapes as he or she can identify.
  • Let your child help you turn dinner items into shapes and then “test” the rest of the family.