Homemade Snow

When it’s cold outside and there’s no place to go, there’s no better time to make homemade snow! This inexpensive and incredibly easy sensory craft will bring joy to all.
- Baking Soda
- Hair Conditioner (white)
- Small Sparkly Stars
- Snowman Supplies
- Big Tray
- Mixing Bowl
- Measuring Cups
- Spoon
Place 3 cups of baking soda and a ½ cup of hair conditioner into your mixing bowl. Use this as an opportunity to ask your child to help out by holding the cup still while you fill it and then to pour it into the big mixing bowl.
It’s not called a mixing bowl for nothing! Use a spoon to stir the ingredients together until well combined. An easy way to test if your snow is ready is by picking up a handful and making a snowball.
Adding a little wintertime sparkle is optional but encouraged! Now that your snow mixture is well combined, ask your child to add a dash of small sparkly stars to make it look magical. Use the spoon to mix the stars into the snow evenly.
Get ready to “play in the snow!” Make sure you have an activity-safe space set up with a large tray in the center. If you have additional “snowman supplies” make sure those are in reach as well. Now, pour your homemade snow onto the tray and let your little ones delight!
Homemade snow feels cool and is so much fun! Below are a few fun things to try with your homemade snow. What else can you come up with?
-Build a snowman (add hat, face, arms etc)
-Make a snow handprint
-Write out your name in the snow
-Make snowballs and see what other snow shapes you can create