Ring in the 100th Day of School

Ring in the 100th Day of School
It’s February and that means cold weather and cloudy days, but it also means it’s the 100th day of the school year. With some planning, you can get your little one ready for all the fun celebrations at school—and have some fun at home, too!
Plan Your Party
Many schools and teachers plan fun activities for their students to mark the 100th day of school. This could range from a special party in the classroom to a schoolwide spirit week. See what your child’s school has planned and help get them ready for the festivities with the clothing, toys, and/or treats they’ll need, i.e. pajama day, 100 buttons craft, etc.
Have Some Fun Outside of the Classroom
The 100th day of school is also the perfect opportunity to celebrate at home. Show your kiddo how proud you are of his or her achievements with a fun night on the town bowling, seeing a movie or visiting a great family restaurant. Want something easy and cost-effective? Why not order in and have a game night at home.
Do Some Good
There are likely great charities in your community that you can connect with to do some good. Since it’s the 100th day of school, you could find a local organization or shelter that helps students in need. By donating school supplies you can help others finish the year strong and show your kids how fun it is to give back.
Have A Regular Check-In
While regular check ins with your little one are great, the 100th Day of School gives you the opportunity to look at the first half of the year in review. What’s been the best part of your little one’s school day? What’s the biggest difference between this year and last? Who have they been sitting with at lunch? This will give you a better understanding of how your little one feels about their school day and give them the chance to share beyond just the daily “how was your day?”