Roaring Bookmarks

Whether you read to your kids before bedtime or they are starting to do it on their own, parents know that books play a big part of many kids’ childhoods. A silly bookmark is not only fun to make, but it’s as useful as it is adorable. Here’s how you make this cute addition to “story time” that your kids will love:
- Gather your materials. All you’ll need is three sheets of construction paper (white, black and orange), a glue stick and a straight edge.
- On your orange paper, draw a square. Make each side between two and three inches. Draw an identical second square attached to the first square on the left or right side. Then, draw a third square exactly the same size on the top or bottom of the first square. Once you have an “L” shape made of three identical squares, cut it out (using kid-friendly scissors). Then, sketch a diagonal line across the middle of the top and bottom squares.
- Fold over the diagonal lines as perfectly as you can. The result will look like a square with two triangles attached. Next, use the white and black paper to cut out stripes, eyes, ears and a snout for the tiger.
- Fold the two triangles inward and glue them together. The triangle made of the two folded sides in the front will serve as the “face” of the bookmark and the diamond will be the backend. Glue on the cutouts to the triangle to make the face.
- Add the bookmark as a placeholder to remind you or your kids where in the book to resume story time!