Spooky Juicy Juice Shadow Boxes

Want to add some atmosphere to your Halloween stories? With our Juicy Juice Halloween Box Lights, you can turn your wall into a haunting display. All you need are some Juicy Juice juice boxes, a pair of scissors, and our template!
You Will Need:
3 empty 6.75 oz Juicy Juice juice boxes
A pair of scissors
Our Spooky Juicy Juice Shadow Box Template (below)
Step One:
Gather your materials.
Step Two:
Rinse out your used Juicy Juice boxes through their straw holes.
Step Three:
Cut out the stencils in the template provided, making special care to leave the solid lines and dotted lines as guides for cutting your juice boxes.
Step Four:
If your little ones are helping with this craft, they will need some guidance on this step. Attach the stencils for your characters to the fronts of your Juicy Juice boxes. One stencil for each box will work. With the stencils attached, you and your little ones can now cut along the edges of the solid lines as detailed on the template. Once you’ve finished cutting along the solid lines of the templates, use the dotted lines in the template as guides for folding your characters so they stand up.
Step Five:
You are ready to enjoy your craft! Use flashlights, lamps or electric candles to project your frightening characters onto walls. Feel free to invent your own designs and share them with us! Have a happy Halloween.