Making Mother’s Day Magical

Hey, Dad! With a little help from the kids, you can plan a Mother’s Day for the memory books.

Gather the kids and plan a Mother’s Day surprise that everyone will enjoy. It might be a special outing or a whole day of taking over household tasks. What you do isn’t as important as making sure each child feels included in the planning and participates in his or her own unique way. Be sure to listen to everyone’s ideas and assign roles that suit each child’s stage of development.

creative input (ages 2-5)
Preschoolers struggle with keeping secrets and containing their excitement, so start your celebration first thing in the morning-before the word is out! Give your young child colorful paper, stickers, and washable markers so she can create a paper place mat for Mom while you and the older kids fix breakfast. Preschoolers will relish the immediate feedback when Mom sees their handiwork. And Mom will love her beautiful piece of art.

giving back (ages 6-8)
Kids can take on more challenging projects as they mature. Help your 6- to 8-year-old make coupons for Mom to redeem for a back rub or a housecleaning chore. “Having a caretaking opportunity really empowers kids to see how they can give back,” says family psychologist Dr. Patti Zomber. Kids this age can also craft a book about Mom. Brainstorm themes by offering idea-starters such as, “The Day Mom Got an Elephant.”

planning for fun (ages 9-12)
Older kids relish the thrill of being in charge, so allow your older child to plan the activity. It’ll be something from the heart and show that you have trust in him. He might have the group plant flowers, take Mom to a museum she’ll love, or hike a trail together. Your job will be to make sure there’s plenty of time for the activity your child chooses and remind him that even if the day doesn’t go exactly as planned, being together is what matters most.

a delicious finish
End the day with delicious, nutritious meal. The guest of honor will be truly impressed that you’ve topped off an already great day and taken care of everything start to finish Who says dads can’t multitask?