Enjoying Summer Fun with Dad

Enjoying Summer Fun with Dad  

Father’s Day is this month and we are celebrating dad all month long! With the signs of summer everywhere—the hot sun and warmer breeze, it’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate dad outdoors!  We encourage you to keep the good times rolling for him by letting the great outdoors be a simpler way of finding joy and embracing the summer fun with dad! We came up with four outdoor activities that we think the whole family would love!

Amusement Park Fun

With Summer’s arrival, theme parks and carnivals have finally opened their doors for business and are ready to welcome the family. Nothing says summer fun like tasty funnel cake, games and thrilling rides!

Fishing Fun

Pull out those fishing rods and prepare to cast them into your local fishing spot with the family.

Go-Kart Fun

Create beautiful moments with dad and the little ones by watching them Go-Kart race around the track—there’s nothing like a little healthy family competition!

Picnic Fun

Spending time with dad outdoors doesn’t have to be limited to your backyard! Try doing things the classic way by preparing a family picnic at your local park. To make the picnic special, prepare all dad’s favorite foods and choose a picnic theme that’s reminiscent of him. For example, choose a picnic tote or blanket that’s dad’s favorite color or that represents his favorite sports team!