Entertainment for the kids

Holiday gathering season has officially arrived! If you are planning on hosting, chances are that a kids’ table would be part of your set up. Here are some additional ways to keep the little ones in their seats and entertained during your holiday dinner.
Coloring Crafts
Coloring is a fun and easy way to keep kids occupied at the table, especially while dinner is being served or between dinner and dessert. Grab as many markers, colored pencils, and crayons as you’ve got, along with our Juicy Juice colorable placemats (or a stack of coloring books) and let the kids have at it!
Turkey Day Dinner Game
This game is fun for guests of all ages! One person starts by saying “For Thanksgiving dinner I had turkey”. The next person repeats this and adds what else they had, for example, “For Thanksgiving dinner I had turkey and stuffing”. Each subsequent player repeats the entire list and adds a food that was served. When a player can’t remember what someone else said or gets one wrong, they’re out. If you run out of food or want to get even sillier, start adding foods you wish had been served!
Thanksgiving Bingo
Here is a fun holiday twist to a classic game that all members of your family can enjoy! Download our Thanksgiving Bingo Cards and cut-outs for a memorable time. You can make teams for added competition or keep it as every man for himself!
Building Blocks Bucket
Leave a bucket of toy building blocks and see which of the kids–or any adults passing by, are architects in the making! Give them plenty of time to plan and put together their best creation and then have all the kids present their creations to the whole family.