Have a Safe and Happy Halloween

For kids, it just doesn’t get any better than Halloween. They get to dress up in a fun costume AND people give them free candy. It’s a dream come true! For parents worried about their young ones though, Halloween can be a little bit frightening and we’re not just talking about decorations! To ensure your Halloween stays spooky but not scary, try these tricks before you take your kids trick or treating!
Their Time to Shine
We’ve all been there, you enter the costume aisle and your kids make a beeline for the darkest costume imaginable. While witches and warlocks are fun, these costumes need a few enhancements to ensure passing cars can easily see them. One great solution is to apply reflective tape to shoes and costumes. Another great trick is to make a treat bucket by cutting the top off a Juicy Juice bottle and wrapping the top and bottom with reflective tape. Have your little ones decorate a bit for a personal touch! Lastly, glow sticks can also be a great solution with the added benefit that kids will view them as an enhancement to their costume rather than just parents being parents.
Picking the Right Costume
The perfect costume for your little one isn’t just the most fun, it’s also the safest. Whether you’re purchasing online or in a store, it’s essential to make sure your child’s costume is clearly labeled as being fire resistant. To prevent potential tripping hazards, make sure costumes don’t drag on the ground and that masks provide large enough eye holes for your kids to see without reduced vision. As an alternative to masks, face painting is both fun and often more comfortable for kids through a long night of trick-or-treating.
Plan The Perfect Route
When it comes to having the happiest and safest trick-or-treating experience, it’s essential to have your route planned out in advance rather than trying to “wing it” in the moment. The perfect route should stick to well-lit streets and stay conscious of how far your little trick or treaters will be able to walk. After all, no parent wants to carry back their child AND a big bag of candy. One great trick is to go in a straight line hitting one side of the street before switching sides to make your way back home.
Timing is Everything
While your kids might want to get their treats as soon as they can, it’s also important to consider what time to start. Make sure you don’t leave home too early or parents might still be getting ready when you arrive. You’ll also want to avoid leaving too late when the older trick-or-treaters head out.