Holiday Fun At Home

One of the best parts about the holidays is spending time together as a family. These fun, simple activities can help families enjoy quality time together and keep the kiddos entertained over holiday break.
A Day of Relaxation
Make sure to take some time off from all the hustle and bustle this holiday season and relax at home as a family. One fun activity you can do to relax together is yoga. Check online or on your favorite streaming services for kid-friendly yoga guides that are easy for them to follow along. You can also set up your own at-home spa day by drawing a bubble bath (you can even drop a bath bomb in it) and prepare some finger sandwiches and Juicy Juice for a refreshing, spa-themed snack.
Pillow Castle
Pull out the extra blankets and pillows and try to build a castle together! Let your kids’ imaginations run wild as they make different rooms or sections in their imaginary castle and tell you the story behind their creation. If you have enough, you can even try to make two castles–one for the parents and for the kids and race each other to build them.
DIY Holiday Decorations
Indulge your kids’ excitement for the holidays by making some DIY decorations together! This activity will allow the creative juices to flow, while keeping the kids entertained. Hey, it may even make decorating the house easier on you! Paper snowflakes are a great option since they’re easy to make and perfect for hanging in the window or around the house.
Need a refresher on making paper snowflakes? Try these easy steps:
- Start with a white square piece of paper.
- Fold the paper in half diagonally to make a triangle.
- Fold the paper triangle in half so that the pointed corners meet.
- Fold the paper triangle in thirds, overlapping the left hand pointed corner over the triangle.
- Overlap the right hand pointed corner over the triangle. (Note: You may need to adjust these folds a little to get the sides to match up, so don’t crease the paper until the folds are just right.)
- Trim the pointed ends so the paper triangle looks as shown.
- Cut your folded paper with variations of cutouts. (Tip: The ones with straight lines are easier to make than the ones with curvy lines.)
Looking for some other fun and easy DIY decorations? Try our Juicy Hanging Icicle Craft or our Juicy Polar Bear Pals.
Indoor Picnic
Break up your usual meal routine with a special indoor picnic. Whip up any of your favorite winter foods in small, picnic-ready portions. Get the little ones involved too and have them help with making some delicious, picnic-ready small snacks such as our Monkey Snack Crackers, Tangerine Puffer Fish, or our PB&J Kabobs. Once you’ve got your treats ready, pull out a beach towel or a blanket that you can easily wash, just in case of any messes! Then, turn on your favorite holiday music or maybe the sound of a crackling fire and complete your ambiance with some flameless holiday candles.