Back into Routine Article

Keep your Routine on Track
The holidays have come and gone and your little ones are back in the classroom after a long and fun holiday break. Children look to established routines for guidance and safety, so make sure you’re keeping your new year and new semester on track using these helpful tips for a consistent routine.
Start Early:
A simple and manageable way to get your day off on the right foot is to start early. Set your alarm clocks and resist hitting ‘snooze’, prep lunches and snacks, and set out your kid’s clothes the night before to save time in the morning for any unexpected occurrences!
Get the kids involved in clean up:
You’re not alone if you plan to get organized and clean house in the New Year! Enlist your kids by offering them delicious rewards like Juicy Juice or other favorites for helping you sweep, wipe down tables, or put toys away. This will limit the amount of times you hear “Mom, I can’t find… and I need it for school.”
Take stock of school supplies:
You probably haven’t been thinking about school supplies like pencils, erasers, or notebooks while you were shopping before the holidays. Chances are your kids weren’t either. Pack some new pencils, notebooks, folders, and other needed supplies so they can feel refreshed when they head back to class. Don’t forget to pick up some yummy food, snacks and drinks like Juicy Juice for snack and lunch time.
Make colder months fun:
With the holidays behind them, the first two months of winter can feel long. Help make it something they can look forward to by planning activities like playdates, movie nights, or local trips. Make time to reconnect as a family by cooking dinner together or visiting relatives. All of these great activities will make winter something your kiddos will enjoy.