Making Hydration Fun

Summer is just around the corner, and parents know this means there will be lots of running, jumping, kicking, dancing, swimming, climbing and cartwheeling in their kids’ future. With so much fun to be had, most kids won’t remember to stop and ask for a drink, even when they really need one. Fortunately, keeping everyone hydrated doesn’t have to be a chore. Here are some fun and kid-friendly tricks to make getting the right amount of liquids a breeze:
Unique Twists
If your kids are drinking Juicy Juice™ from the glass, invest in ice cube trays that make fun shapes. Cartoon characters tend to be a big hit, but most craft stores have a varied selection that will please any child. Also, consider keeping a package of crazy curly straws in your child’s favorite colors on hand. They are an affordable and adorable way to complement the all-natural sweetness of Juicy Juice. If you’re feeling crafty, consider helping your kids create their own personal cups using nontoxic waterproof paint and glitter. With the help of your craft bin, a blank mug can become a jewel-encrusted goblet in a matter of minutes.
Fruity Companions
Everyone knows fruit is healthy and yummy, which is the reason Juicy Juice uses real fruit juice in all of its products. Not everyone knows, however, that fruit is a great source of added hydration, as many fruits are 90% percent water. Pair your kids’ favorite Juicy Juice Juice Boxes with pre-cut watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe or any other fruit they like to munch on as the perfect nutritious snack after playtime.
Chill Out
A cold, juicy popsicle makes for the perfect treat when your little one is hot and sweaty from a full day’s worth of outdoor fun. Instead of choosing something loaded with artificial sweeteners, try making your own. Use an ice tray or small disposable paper cups as your molds and pour in Juicy Juice. Feel free to customize the snack by throwing in some fresh or frozen berries or chopped banana. Pop them into the freezer for a just few hours and voilà — a delicious and all natural frozen juice treat.