Smart Camp

Find out how camps devoted to math, science, languages and the arts offer a great alternative to traditional summer camp.
Get Smart About Summer Camp
Summer camps offer kids a chance to make new discoveries and bond with other children. However, if you’re looking for a smart alternative to traditional day and sleepover camps, consider enrolling your child in an enrichment or learning camp. From enhancing math skills to learning languages to exploring the arts, “smart camps” combine the fun of traditional camp with important developmental instruction. Here are some types of camps for your little smarty pants:
Math Camps – Whether you have a budding math whiz or a child who needs brushing up, the solution is simple.
Arts Camps – From drawing and painting to dance, theater and filmmaking, summer days filled with art allow kids to express their creativity.
Nature Camps – Rather than just allow kids to experience the great outdoors, these camps foster a true appreciation for the environment.
Science Camps – Blend adventure with a hands-on understanding of how things work, both indoors and out.
Computer Camps – Workshops that focus on digital technologies equip kids with skills to last a lifetime. You may have a little Gates or Jobs on your hands.
To find a “smart camp” in your area, check with your child’s school or local library. You’ll also find camps using your favorite Internet search engine.
Get Smart About Summer Camp: What Parents Should Know
Before sending your child away to summer camp, it is important to know if he or she is ready to be away from home. Age is not the only factor in determining whether your child is comfortable being away from home. Consider your child’s experience. Has he or she ever spent the night at a friend’s house or gone on vacation without you? Does your child express interest in attending summer camp?
It is important to talk openly with your child about summer camp. If you feel that he or she is not ready for sleepover camp, you might want to consider a parks and recreation program or a day camp. Talk to your child about what his or her interests are: arts and crafts, math, language, outdoor activities. Then, choose a camp that offers one of those programs