Frozen Yogurt Delights
Nothing beats the summer heat better than a nice frozen treat. While many ice pops may grab your little ones’ eyes, we know how hard it is to find a good one in the bunch. That’s why we came up with a refreshing snack that keeps kids and parents happy and provides more nutrition than a typical dessert.
Time: 1 hour 20 minutes (20 min prep)
You will need:
- 1 silicon-bottomed ice mold
- 1 container of ripe raspberries
- 1 container of Greek yogurt (or your favorite variety yogurt)
In a medium bowl, mash raspberries with a spoon until they are separated into pieces. No need to mash them too much since leaving them a bit chunky adds to the texture. When your raspberries are mashed, mix in yogurt and stir until it has a uniform color. Spoon, bite size portions into each indent in the ice tray. Place into the freezer. Let freeze for an hour before serving. Pop your frozen little treats out and Enjoy!