Strawberry Watermelon Twist
Nothing beats the heat like the ice-cold fruity, citrusy twist of this kid’s summertime drink. It’s the ideal way to cool off and even better when shared with friends. We’ve concocted the perfect mix that is not only kid-friendly, but kid-adored! Now the whole family can escape the summer heat together and cheers this delicious drink at the next summer barbecue.
Step 1: Gather all your ingredients. You’ll need: one 64 oz bottle Strawberry Watermelon Juicy Juice® 100% Juice, a half cup of blueberries, one cucumber, one lime and a quarter cup of mint.Step 2: This step is for the parents. Use a sharp knife to thinly slice the cucumber and lime. Roughly chop the mint, keeping it mostly intact and preventing it from entering a drinking straw.
Step 3: Place all of the chopped ingredients and the blueberries in a pitcher.
Step 4: Pour the Strawberry Watermelon Juicy Juice® 100% Juice into the pitcher until it reaches the fill line. It should be about 8 cups. You can let the flavors of your mixture percolate overnight, muddle with a wooden spoon or serve right away if you want to beat the heat right away.
Allow your guests and little ones to add ice cubes to their tasty twist and provide them with straws so that the fruit stays in the cup. Let us know how yours turns out and as always, feel free to get creative by customizing your own version of this Summer Fun Kids’ drink!